Righteous One by Nathaniel Bassey ft. Victoria Orenze is a beautiful expression of God’s holiness and righteousness. It reminds us that Jesus, the anointed Messiah, is Emmanuel—God with us. Our hearts’ deepest desire is to know Him more, to live and walk in His ways, and to behold the glory of His face. His righteousness is beyond compare, and everything about Him is perfect and true. In worship, we seek to experience His grace and carry His beauty in our lives.
As we reflect on these words, let us remember that His judgments, decrees, and ways are all righteous. There is no fault in Him; He is kind and just. Our desire should be to grow closer to Him, to walk in His will, and to be transformed by the beauty of His grace. Truly, there is no one as righteous and faithful as our Lord.
Righteous One by Nathaniel Bassey ft. Victoria Orenze mp3 Download
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Righteous One – Nathaniel Bassey ft. Victoria Orenze
Righteous one, holy one, Emmanuel – You are God with us
Jesus Christ, anointed one, you are Messiah
My heart desire is to know you much more, to live and walk in your way, is to love you much more
Beholding the glory of your face
Wonderful, beautiful, glorious, bright and morning star
Spotless lamb, son of God, he is my redeemer
My heart desire is to know you much more, to live and walk in your will
You are righteous in all your ways
Everything about you is righteous
There is no fault in you God
You are kind
Our Lord is amazing, what manner of love is this
That you would give it all in spite of me